Overhead Line Design
Sample Title
The importance of a well-designed and simulated earthing system is very important to mitigate the potential hazardous voltages, GPR, step and touch voltages extending around high voltage (HV infrastructure).
A HV system under fault can create hazardous voltages. A well designed and implemented earthing system can both reduce the earth potential rise around HV equipment but also ensure correct and timely functioning of protection equipment.
We can Preform soil resistivity measurements/ on-site testing pre-construction and preform the subsequent design to help create a working earthing system that can also be constructed efficiently and cost effective.

Earthing Studies and Design
The importance of a well-designed and simulated earthing system is very important to mitigate the potential hazardous voltages, GPR, step and touch voltages extending around high voltage (HV infrastructure).
A HV system under fault can create hazardous voltages. A well designed and implemented earthing system can both reduce the earth potential rise around HV equipment but also ensure correct and timely functioning of protection equipment.
We can Preform soil resistivity measurements/ on-site testing pre-construction and preform the subsequent design to help create a working earthing system that can also be constructed efficiently and cost effective.
We then simulate the specific earthing design to understand how it will behave under fault conditions using unique site data such as soil resistivity, site and network protection. These simulations help to identify any adverse effects of the earthing system on nearby equipment, buildings and conductive metallic objects and that the earthing system will behave in a safe and reliable manner.
Earthing studies are done in close conjunction with the site protection device settings. Earthing Studies and Protection Studies go hand in hand. We can perform protection studies as well for your site.
We can also carry out the installation as well as commissioning / injection testing. GPR, step and touch voltage testing will be performed to ensure the earthing system will behave in a safe and reliable manner and as designed/ simulated. This may also be a requirement/ obligation as a private HV customer under AS/NZS 2067.”
Lightning Protection Studies and Design
We can perform Lightning protection studies and designs in compliance with AS1768.